I got an email from my doctor this morning about my blood work (holy schnikes that was fast...I rarely hear about blood test results that quickly). She said that I was mildly low on iron, which is common for bariatric patients. I'm supposed to start on an iron supplement of 325 mg twice a day.
Iron can cause constipation so she said if it happens I can go on a fiber supplement as well, but I think I'll wait and see what happens.
Oh, yeah, forgot to mention that when I had my previous appointment the doctor gave me her email address for questions and concerns. So now I have two people on the support team that I can email with concerns if/when I have them! They are both younger medical staff too. Doesn't take much to see a pattern...the generation accustomed to technology are using it to their advantage in working with their patients. Soon they'll be using Twitter as a tool in the medical office.
I hope I can go off some pills soon. I have a rather large number I take every morning now and need to remember to take at night; hopefully I can get off the cholesterol/blood pressure stuff soon!
Superbowl Ads
They’re an American tradition. This year included a minute-long ad that:
“[P]itches a “life-changing” solution to all this: weight-loss drugs, as
offered b...
1 week ago
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