Thursday, May 28, 2009

Doctors and Medical Myths

Quick article to share with others...

It explores some of the myths that many doctors apparently believe. A couple of docs as a side project wrote a paper exploring myths that pervade their profession and the results were kind of surprising...including having one guy harassing their office until they had to get a restraining order because, believe it or not, you don't need eight glasses of water a day. Yes, the guy was extremely upset that they would have the audacity to publish that.

Interesting, kind of scary that the people we trust with our health believe some of these myths when most of this information isn't new. But we sometimes need to realize that doctors are humans and it's their jobs, not the essence of their existence, when they're sitting there in the same room where you're only in your Superman underwear and they're examining you. They're fallible. We simply, without question in many cases, expect them to dole out miracles. They can be wrong. We need to remember that.

It's just their job to try not to be wrong and in the process keep you healthier than when you walked in. What do readers think?

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