Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Bariatric Pain in the Gut: Good News!

I finally had something go wrong!

Well, not really wrong, per se. But it was unpleasant and wonderful!

Okay, here's the story...my wife had fixed some chicken breast fillets for dinner a few nights ago on the grill. They were small, probably four or five ounces a pop; I took one and cut it in half and the two pieces easily fit into a one-cup storage container with space to spare.

I reheated it in the microwave and began to partake in the protein goodness. I noticed that the edges were a little tough, dried out; I thought I chewed it adequately. I didn't.

I felt full before going through 3/4 of the breast fillet, so of course I stopped. The problem was that right about then the apparently too-tough-to-eat-easily part of the chicken hit my stomach.

The pain wasn't excruciating, but it was very uncomfortable. Every time the pain subsided and I thought it had finally passed another wave would hit me. I picked up the trash can in case I threw up; I was unsure for a few moments if that was what it was going to come down to.

The pains lasted for somewhere between 20 and 30 minutes. When it was over, I finally knew that yes, there is some of the warned negative feedback in my "new" stomach. All the times I had wondered if the surgeon had actually done anything to my stomach size was finally answered in one glorious bout of pain pulsating through my torso.

I don't know if this did any damage to my new pouch, stretching it or pulling it (for a few moments I worried that I had ripped something out). I of course am desperately hoping not. But now at least I know that it should be working to some degree the way the operation was described to me!

I know, it's weird, taking relief in this pain episode. But now I know for sure that maybe this surgery can help me. Plus I know that if meat isn't tender and juicy, if it can't be chewed until it is mush, don't eat it.

See? Negative reinforcement is working already!


  1. Yup, I had trouble with chicken too in the beginning. Something about the strings of the muscles messed me up. I would get this lump in my stomach, or throat, and it would last for a long time.
    I stopped eating chicken for a bit, but now seem to be able to handle it again.
    Fish sometimes does that too.
    I like beef anyway.

  2. The thing is that I've *had* this stuff before. These little fillets never had this reaction, so I'm thinking it was just because it was grilled, cooled, reheated in the nuker...some of it was just a little too tough.

    Just have to be more careful, I suppose!
