Ever encounter just "one of those things" that once you're aware of it, you can't help but notice it and be perpetually bugged by whatever it is you're now aware of? For example, I have a theater minor from my college days and so I notice certain mistakes whenever I go to a play performed by small theater groups or school ensembles. Things the audience may not see I always end up picking out and being irritated at them for it.
One performance-related peeve is when people use the verbal tic "um" to fill dead air in a speech or conversation. If I had to grade a person giving a speech I'd fail them for doing this. Drives me insane. I'd rather listen to nothing than an "um". I've even deleted podcasts because the guests would keep using "um" every three words. I simply...can't...stop...hearing...it.
Well now there's a new one that seems to be growing in popularity. The "Or whatever".
"He said he'd like to go to the mall or whatever."
"We can take him to the playground and then pick up some dinner or whatever."
...or whatever or whatever or whatever NO NOT OR WHATEVER. Are you stoned?
For the love of $DEITY stop saying "or whatever."
You want me to decide or whatever? You really have absolutely no opinion or preference? Fine. I'll decide. Starting with leaving you behind. Obviously you have no preference since, as you said, "...whatever."
Stop being so sloppy with speech! I hear it on TV, I hear it from some podcasters, I hear it from friends and relatives and family. And now that I noticed it I can't NOT NOTICE it.
I want to dash my brains on rocks after the umpteenth time hearing that verbal crutch. If you don't have any opinions or preferences, don't say a @#$ thing. If you have a suggestion, say it. Break the habit of filling space or backpeddling with sloppy regurgitation of a stock phrase!
Whatever you do don't use "um" and "or whatever" when I'm in a bad mood and have tools in my hands. You may not like the reaction.
...deep breath...deep breath...
Superbowl Ads
They’re an American tradition. This year included a minute-long ad that:
“[P]itches a “life-changing” solution to all this: weight-loss drugs, as
offered b...
3 weeks ago
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